Return to Play 2021

Guidance for Sports and Recreation During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

The New York State Department of Health has provided guidance for sports & recreation during the COVID-19 public health emergency to provide leagues and organizations with precautions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19.  These guidelines follow numerous Executive Orders issued by Governor Andrew Cuomo and a phased approach in reopening industries and businesses in New York.  As of March 25, 2021, sports and recreation activities are categorized as "lower risk," "moderate risk," and "higher risk."  The ability to participate in sports and recreation activities is determined by a combination of the risk for COVID-19 transmission (1) inherent in the sport or recreation activity itself and (2) associated with the "type of play."  For purposes of our spring/summer offerings, kickball, softball and soccer are all classified as "moderate risk" sports and recreation activities.

Astoria Sports Athletics Safety Plan

In November 2020, the NYC Parks Department began issuing permits for the Spring/Summer season for low and moderate risk sports.  To reduce the spread of COVID-19, Astoria Sports will be implementing the following:

  • Face masks/coverings: The parks departments language is as follows: "To ensure attendees comply with physical distancing and face covering requirements, Astoria Sports shall ensure consistent six feet of distance between individuals, unless safety or core activity (e.g. practicing, playing) requires a shorter distance.  If a shorter distance is required, individuals must wear face coverings, unless players are unable to medically tolerate such a covering for the physical activity.  Coaches, trainers, and/or other individuals who are not directly engaged in activity are required to wear face coverings if they are medically able to do so."
  • As stated above, ensuring consistent six feet of distance between individuals, unless safety or core activity (e.g practicing, playing) requires a shorter distance.
  • Congregation at the conclusion of games is prohibited.  All participants, coaches, volunteers and spectators must leave the field of play immediately and remain distanced from incoming teams.
  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizer will be provided for volunteers, officials and players where handwashing is not feasible.  Additionally, disinfectant wipes will be available for use.
  • Players will be required to complete a mandatory Health Screening Assessment prior to participating in league play.  Players will be asked to confirm that they are not experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, have not tested positive in the past 14 days, and have not come in close contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case(s) in the past 14 days.  If any participant has answered "yes" to any of the aforementioned questions, they will be prohibited from entering the activity space.