Kickball Rules

Astoria Sports reserves the right to change, add or delete any league rule or regulation that in their best judgment will benefit the program.  Team captains affected by this change will be notified.  It is the team captains responsibility to know and understand Astoria Sports rules and regulations as it pertains to Astoria Kickball, and to inform team members of rules and league requirements.  

Furthermore, the league reserves the absolute right to suspend or ban any player or prospective player(s) from further or future activities, including playing in the league or signing up, based upon the actions of that player on or off the field as defined by the league, these rules, and our code of conduct as stated below, or for any reason except on the basis of sex, age, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability, mental, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression/dysphoria, sex characteristics, religious, creed or individual political opinions.

Violation of any league rule or rules could result in expulsion from the league with forfeiture of registration fee.

I. General Information:

A. Games:

All games will be played at Dutch Kills Playground on Tuesday (when agreed upon) and Thursday nights between the hours of 6:00PM and 10:00PM.  Up to two games (2) can be played simultaneously.  Please note that start times depend on how many teams are signed up.  Additionally, start times may be changed due to a) improper field lighting, or b) weather.  In the event of an alteration or modification to start times, captains will be notified.

B. Roster Size

Roster size (at a minimum) will be dependent on the number of teams that sign up.

C. Game format

All league games are scheduled for seven innings.  On nights when all four teams are scheduled on one court, there shall be a maximum of 60 minutes of play per game.  The umpire will notify both captains 10 minutes prior to the 60-minute mark, if applicable.  In this instance, the game will end upon completion of the current inning.  Each inning will consist of three outs.

D. Schedule

There will be six regular season league games followed by the commencement of the playoffs.

E. Playoff structure

Teams have been divided into two divisions for the 2024 fall season.  Each division consists of seven teams.  The division winners will be top two seeds in the playoffs (order of seed dependent on record).  Seeds #3 thru #6 are determined based on win/loss.  The playoffs consist of the top six teams in the league.  

In the event of a tie in season records, the first tiebreaker will be based on head-to-head record, followed by runs against, followed by runs scored.   The head to head tiebreaker is only applicable if all teams that are tied have played each other the same amount of times.

**Two forfeits will result in the forfeiture of your team qualifying for the playoffs.  In the event of a forfeit, your runs against for the forfeited game is the total number of runs against in the other games divided by the number of games you actually play**

F. Tiebreakers

As previously stated, in the event of a tie in season records, the first tiebreaker will be based on head to head record, followed by runs against, followed by runs scored.  If more than two teams are tied and they have not all played each other the same amount of times, head to head record will not be applicable.

League Information

A. Equipment

The league will provide kickballs, bases, cones, scoreboards and a first aid kit.  All league members who signed up prior to the t-shirt cut off date and provided the league with their shirt size shall receive a league dri fit shirt in team color with their signup when applicable.  Please note that for the fall 2024 season all signups were at the returning player rate as no shirts were ordered.  

B. Safety

  • All league games are played on blacktop.  
  • Protective equipment is recommended in the event of pre-existing injuries.  For personal safety, Astoria Sports does not recommend players play if they have an injury.  League officials have the ability to make a determination based regarding a players game status when necessary for the safety of league members.
  • In the event that a player can not continue due to injury, the team shall not have to take an auto out.  
  • Players may not appear on the field of play, at any time, in an intoxicated condition or under the influence of any other type of drug which might affect the individual's safety, or the safety of others.
  • Players are responsible for their own insurance coverage.
  • No player may take part in a game without a completed waiver form.  

C. Umpires

The league will provide at least one umpire for each league game

D. Team Roster/Player Eligibility

Generally, the team captain has autonomy to select their team, with returning players given preference on returning to their team. In the event that a returning team does not have enough signups prior to the end of the renewal period, the league shall place free agents on the team in order to complete the team and ensure that the team has enough players each week.  Additionally:

  • A player may be on only one roster in the same league
  • Non roster players are not allowed.  Any attempt to add a non roster player to a game will result in an immediate forfeit for that team.
  • Falsification of waiver signatures will result in the team being suspended from league play.

E. Rain Out Policy

It is inevitable that it will rain at some point during the season.  Upon such occasion, league officials will deem whether or not there will be kickball games.  This decision will be made in the best interest of the safety of all of our players.  In the event of cancellation or delays, the captains shall be notified.  This information will also be posted to all social media accounts.

F. Make-Up Games:

In the event of a rainout, games will be rescheduled.  Teams will be given sufficient notice as to the newly scheduled dates and times.


Game Rules:

A. Details

Games are scheduled for seven (7) innings.  In the event of inclement weather or other unplayable conditions (i.e darkness), four innings will constitute an official game.  If the home team is winning heading into the bottom of the fourth inning and inclement weather/unplayable conditions occur, this shall constitute an official game.  

In the event a playoff game is cut short due to inclement weather or unplayable conditions, the game will be rescheduled and/or concluded based upon where the game was at.  

Tuesday is the reserved day for make up games.  However, it is possible that games may be made up on another day at the discretion of league officials.

B. Amount of Fielders:

There may be no more than eleven (11) players on the field at one time.  Additionally, teams must have at least six (6) rostered players present to avoid a forfeit.  If present, each team must have at least three (3) females on the field per inning.  If three (3) females are not present, the team will have to take an auto-out at the end of the lineup, and remove a fielder for each missing female.  In the event a team has less than three (3) females, the team may use one female sub who kicks at the end of the order and catches.  In such instance, no auto out will be enforced.  Additionally, if a team has less than nine players, one sub may be used who is to catch and kick last.  If a player arrives late, that player shall be inserted into the lineup at the end.  Late arrivals can take the field at the completion of the at bat.  A reminder that all players shall kick.  A lineup shall comprise all players regardless of how many innings a player takes the field.  There shall be no substituting in the lineup order.  A player kicking out of order shall result in an automatic out.

C. Balls/Strikes

Four (4) balls constitutes a walk.  A ball is a pitch that is outside the strike zone or is considered "bouncing" by the umpire.  Astoria Sports plays with a three strike count.  Strikes are: a) an attempted kick that is missed, or b) a ball rolled in the strike zone where no kick is attempted.  The strike zone shall be indicated by the chalk.

D. Fouls

A foul ball does not count as a strike.  Three (3) fouls constitutes an out.  Ground balls-Any kicked ball that briefly drifts into foul territory but makes its way back into fair territory before reaching first/third base will be ruled a fair ball.  Fly balls-If any part of the ball is touching the foul line when it lands, it will be considered a fair ball.  

E. Kicking Box

The kicking box is the area that surrounds home plate and extends as far as the front of home plate.  A kicker can not kick the ball while both feet have passed home plate.  If that occurs and an out is called, the play shall stand.  If the out leads to an advancement of a runner(s) or runs scored, the baserunners shall return to their base and the kicker is out.  If the umpire sees a player kicking in front of the kicking box, the umpire should signal to the fielders by raising his or her hand to indicate an illegal kick.  The determination of a kick while both feet have passed home plate is in the judgment of the official calling balls and strikes.  The area in front of the kicking box begins fair territory.  A kicker violating this section shall receive a warning, and any future violations may result in an out.  The interpretation of this section is left to the official calling balls and strikes.

A catcher can not impede the kicker in his/her attempt to kick and must stay behind the indicated line until the kicker has made contact with the ball.  If the catcher impedes the kicker and/or passes the indicated line, the catcher will receive a warning and the result of the play will be a re-kick.  If the catcher continues to impede the kicker and/or passes the indicated line after the first warning is given, the umpire may ask the captain to replace the catcher with another member of the team.

F. Pitcher

The pitcher must start the act of pitching with at least one foot on or behind the pitching mound.  No bouncing.  Fielders must stay behind the pitcher until the ball is kicked, otherwise a re-kick may be granted by the official.  No fast pitching.  This will be at the discretion of the official.  Any balls thrown too fast will be considered a ball and the pitcher will be asked to slow down their pitches.  If a pitcher is asked more than three times to slow down their pitches, the team captain will be responsible to replace the pitcher with another player.

G. Outs

You can strike or tag a base runner with the kickball or tag the base to deem a player out (when appropriate).  Please note that throws with unnecessary force that strike a runner can lead to discipline.  This is within the judgment of the head official.  There shall be no head shots.  If a ball purposely and directly hits a runner in the head, the runner will automatically be deemed safe.  If the runner is hit near the head in the neck/shoulders or is hit in the head due to ducking into the ball, the runner will still be deemed out.

H. Bath Paths

Runners may attempt to dodge or avoid a tag, however they may not leave the base path.  Any runners deemed outside the base path will be called out.

I. Outfielders

Designated outfielders must maintain their position and cannot move forward into the infield while the play is in motion.  All outfielders must be positioned behind the appropriate cone up to the point when the kicker makes or attempts to make contact with the ball.  If an outfielder moves to the infield and impacts the play, a re-kick may be granted by the official.  The rover is the only exception to this rule.  If a team has fewer than 4 outfielders, they must indicate who is acting as a "rover."  

J. Leading/Stealing

Leading and stealing are prohibited.  If a runner is caught leading, the runner will be deemed out.  

K. Overthrows

Any overthrow to first or third base that results in the ball leaving the field of play shall result in one base for all runners.  This will be at the discretion of the umpire.  Factors include if the runner attempts to advance and where the ball rolls.  If a runner, after passing first base, turns to the left and is tagged out it is at the discretion of the umpire whether the runner was intending to advance.  

L. Bunting

Bunting is not allowed.  There shall be no bunts by either team.  Bunt calls are at the discretion of the home plate umpire.  Factors involved in bunting include whether the kick was a full kick (extension of the leg) and where the ball travels.  Again, this is at the discretion of the home plate umpire.

M. Bases

There will be a safety base at first base and home plate.  The base is for the runner only.  If the fielder steps on the safety base and not the actual first base, the runner will be called safe.  (Exception: if it is deemed necessary to avoid a collision/injury)  For purposes of the field, the safety base is deemed foul territory.  In the event of a close play, if the fielder is blocking the running lane or safety base at first base, causing the runner to slow down or change their running motion to avoid contact, the runner will be ruled safe.  Similarly, the base runner shall not run into or impede the fielder attempting to make a play by stepping on the fielders base.  

N. Forfeits

A team must have six (6) rostered players within five minutes of the start of the game.  If not, the result is a forfeit.  If the home team is purposely stalling by waiting for more players to show up, the umpire may, in his or her discretion, change the home/away designation.  If the kicking team is purposely stalling, the umpire may, in his or her discretion, penalize the kicking team with an automatic out.   

O. Infield Fly Rule

An infield player cannot purposely drop the ball to create a double play.  In the event of a pop up to the infield, the kicker may be ruled automatically out by the umpire.  The umpire must make this call immediately after the ball is kicked.  The umpire may raise their hand to signify this call as all fielders and runners may not hear his/her voice.  This rule applies when runners are on first and second, or first/second/third and less than two outs.  It is solely at the umpires discretion.  

P. Requesting Time

In order for a play to be ruled dead, the fielder must have possession of the ball and request time from the official.  Only when time is granted will a play be ruled dead.  Time will not be granted if the runners have maintained forward motion when rounding the bases.  If one or more players have stopped their forward motion and time is called, the play will be ruled dead.  

Q. Mercy Rule

If a team is up by more than 15 runs, the mercy rule is in effect after the 4th inning.  If it is the home team that is trailing by 15 runs or more, they get to kick in the bottom of the fourth.  Similarly, if a team is up by more than 12 runs, the mercy rule is in effect after the fifth inning.  Finally, if a team is up by more than 10 runs, the mercy rule is in effect after the sixth inning.

R. Pinch Runners

A runner may request a substitute runner.  Such request must be granted by the umpire for a legitimate reason.  If the request is granted, it is the last kicked out.  Additionally, an umpire may call the play dead at any point, at their discretion, if a player appears injured or is visibly impacted by field conditions.  The umpire may, based on his or her judgment, require a runner or player substitution based on an observation of an injury that could lead to aggravation by continuing.  

S. Players Who Arrive Late/Leave Early

Any player who arrives after the start of the game can enter the game and will be placed at the end of the kicking order.  In the event a player cannot stay until a game is decided, that player is removed from the kicking order.  There will be no automatic out.

The Role of the Umpire

The home plate umpire is the official scorekeeper of the game.  Any disputes/corrections to scoring must take place at the conclusion of that half inning.  All teams are strongly encouraged to track the score as the game progresses.  Only captains should be discussing calls with the umpire.  

Before each game, umpires will discuss any ground rules in effect.  Umpires can discipline a player when justified (i.e unsportsmanlike conduct, fighting, delay of game, excessive verbal abuse).  Umpires can also call a game due to weather, darkness and/or other factors, including player safety.  Umpires may call time out as soon as the ball reaches the infield and the runners are no longer in forward motion.  Umpires have discretion to carry out games through rules that may be based on unforeseen circumstances and not stated in these rules.