Code of Conduct

Astoria Sports LLC (hereinafter Astoria Sports) strives to ensure all individuals and teams participate in a safe and sportsmanlike manner.  Providing quality programs and leagues requires the cooperation of all officials, captains, players and spectators.  Any demonstrations of misconduct (whether on or off the field) can and will result in disciplinary actions.  Such actions may jeopardize an individual or team's eligibility to participate in any Astoria Sports program.


Astoria Sports reserves the absolute right to suspend or ban any players (current or prospective) from further or future activities based upon the actions of that player(s) on or off the field as defined by the league, or for any reason, except on the basis of sex, age, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability, mental, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression/dysphoria, sex characteristics, religious, creed or individual political opinions.

Violation of ANY of the league rules and code of conduct could result in expulsion from the league with forfeiture of registration fee.

No individual shall:

  • Bring altered, illegal or non-approved equipment onto the field or court.
  • Use unnecessarily rough or illegal tactics in the play of game that can lead to injury
  • Demonstrate dissent by throwing equipment and/or objects in a forceful manner that put others at risk
  • Use abusive or intimidating language or gestures toward any officials on or off the playing field.  (including all league sponsored social gatherings)
  • Use obscene, profane or vulgar language, in any manner and in any capacity on or off the playing field or area
  • Appear on the field of play, at any time, in an intoxicated condition or under the influence of any type of drug
  • Demonstrate unsportsmanlike conduct, in any manner.  Unsportsmanlike conduct consists of, but not limited to, treating teammates unfairly, not allowing others to enter the game for reasons outside of an injury concern, and harassing behavior.

These actions are prohibited and can lead to removal from the league for the safety and well being of all league members.

No individual shall threaten, either directly or implicitly, any players, spectators or officials under any circumstances.

No individual shall strike, shove, or make unnecessary physical contact with any league member or official.

No individual should damage, destroy or steal any property of any individual or league official.  Additionally, all league members must be respectful of city park property.  Any attempt to damage or deface any city park property is strongly prohibited.

Any violation of any of these rules shall result in the immediate ejection and/or suspension of the individual.