Winter Darts Schedule

DateWeekAwayHomeDivision RESULT
1.13.251Local ThreesomesIrish Rover 1A17-4 Local Threesomes
1.13.251Despicable Sissy'sIrish Rover CoBA11-10 Irish Rover COB
1.13.251Sissy's 2Rocky's BalboasA11-10 Sissy's 2
1.13.251McLoughlin's Darty BoysSissy's 1A11-10 Sissy's 1
1.13.251Irish Rover GabagoolsBlackbird's 1B13-8 Irish Rover Gabagools
1.13.251Wolfhound Chucky'sDaly's Bulls HittersB11-10 Daly's Bulls Hitters
1.13.251Tavern DartthrobsSissy's Down and DartyB11-10 Tavern Dartthrobes
1.13.251Rivercrest RoyalsSissy's RingersB14-7 Rivercrest Royals
1.13.251Sissy's RoostersWolfhound BoozehoundsB18-3 Wolfhound Boozehounds
1.13.251Rocky's OGAstoria Tavern Game of ThrowsB214-7 Rocky's OG
1.13.251Mad Donkey Tungsten TicklersLocal What's the PointB213-8 Mad Donkey Tungsten Ticklers
1.13.251Cronin & Phelan LuckyMurphy's DawgsB214-7 Murphy's Dawgs
1.13.251Shillelagh'sRivercrest RespectabullsB2Shillelagh's VIA FORFEIT
1.13.251Wolfhound Darts of HazardSissy's Dart VadersB212-9 Sissy's Dart Vaders
1.13.251Blackbird's MISSfitsCronin's PeacocksC12-9 Blackbird's MISSfits
1.13.251Shannonigan's Shit ShowDoyle's Dart DivasC11-10 Shannonigans Shit Show
1.13.251Sissy's Darty DancingMurphy's Handsome SeasonC12-9 Murphy's Handsome Season
1.13.251Rover 2C RoversSunswick Talk to the BoardC16-5 Rover 2C Rovers
1.13.251La Tiendita BULLiesVeronica's Starving DartistsC13-8 La Tiendita BULLies
1.13.251Doyle's Nobody's UpsetWolfhound DartaholicsC14-7 Doyle's Nobody's Upset
1.20.252McLoughlin's Darty BoysIrish Rover 1A11-10 Irish Rover 1
1.20.252Sissy's 2Irish Rover CoBA17-4 Irish Rover CoB
1.20.252Local ThreesomesRocky's BalboasA12-9 Local Threesomes
1.20.252Despicable Sissy'sSissy's 1A15-6 Despicable Sissy's
1.20.252Daly's Bulls HittersRivercrest RoyalsB14-7 Rivercrest Royals
1.20.252Blackbird's 1Sissy's RingersB12-9 Sissy's RIngers
1.20.252Sissy's Down and DartySissy's RoostersB19-2 Sissy's Roosters
1.20.252Irish Rover GabagoolsTavern DartthrobsB12-9 Tavern Dartthobes
1.20.252Wolfhound BoozehoundsWolfhound Chucky'sB11-10 Wolfhound Boozehounds
1.20.252Local What's the PointCronin & Phelan LuckyB212-9 Cronin and Phelan Lucky
1.20.252Astoria Tavern Game of ThrowsMad Donkey Tungsten TicklersB213-8 Mad Donkey Tungsten Ticklers
1.20.252Rocky's OGMurphy's DawgsB216-5 Murphy's Dawgs
1.20.252Wolfhound Darts of HazardShillelagh'sB212-9 Wolfhound Darts of Hazard
1.20.252Rivercrest RespectabullsSissy's Dart VadersB2Sissy's Dart Vaders via FORFEIT
1.20.252Doyle's Dart DivasBlackbird's MISSfitsC13-8 Blackbird's MISSfits
1.20.252Sunswick Talk to the BoardDoyle's Nobody's UpsetC13-8 Sunswick Talk to the Hand
1.20.252Cronin's PeacocksLa Tiendita BULLiesC14-7 La Tiendita BULLies
1.20.252Rover 2C RoversShannonigan's Shit ShowC17-4 Rover 2C Rovers
1.20.252Murphy's Handsome SeasonVeronica's Starving DartistsC19-2 Murphy's Handsome Season
1.20.252Sissy's Darty DancingWolfhound DartaholicsC21-0 Sissy's Darty Dancing
1.27.253Rocky's BalboasDespicable Sissy'sA13-8 Despicable Sissy's
1.27.253Sissy's 1Local ThreesomesA13-8 Local Threesomes
1.27.253Irish Rover CoBMcLoughlin's Darty BoysA12-9 Irish Rover CoB
1.27.253Irish Rover 1Sissy's 2A12-9 Irish Rover 1
1.27.253Sissy's RoostersBlackbird's 1B15-6 Blackbird's 1
1.27.253Sissy's RingersIrish Rover GabagoolsB17-4 Sissy's Ringers
1.27.253Wolfhound Chucky'sSissy's Down and DartyB12-9 Wolfhound Chucky's
1.27.253Daly's Bulls HittersTavern DartthrobsB15-6 Tavern Dartthrobes
1.27.253Rivercrest RoyalsWolfhound BoozehoundsB15-6 Rivercrest Royals
1.27.253Astoria Tavern Game of ThrowsLocal What's the PointB213-8 Astoria Tavern Game of Throws
1.27.253Mad Donkey Tungsten TicklersRivercrest RespectabullsB2Mad Donkey VIA FORFEIT
1.27.253Sissy's Dart VadersRocky's OGB212-9 Sissy's Dart Vaders
1.27.253Cronin & Phelan LuckyShillelagh'sB212-9 Shillelagh's
1.27.253Murphy's DawgsWolfhound Darts of HazardB214-7 Murphy's Dawgs
1.27.253Veronica's Starving DartistsCronin's PeacocksC16-5 Veronica's Starving Dartists
1.27.253La Tiendita BULLiesDoyle's Dart DivasC16-5 La Tiendita BULLies
1.27.253Blackbird's MISSfitsMurphy's Handsome SeasonC17-4 Murphy's Handsome Season
1.27.253Doyle's Nobody's UpsetRover 2C RoversC12-9 Doyle's Nobody's Upset
1.27.253Wolfhound DartaholicsShannonigan's Shit ShowC14-7 Shannonigan's Shit Show
1.27.253Sunswick Talk to the BoardSissy's Darty DancingC16-5 Sunswick Talk to the Board
2.3.254Local ThreesomesDespicable Sissy'sA11-10 Despicable Sissy's
2.3.254Irish Rover 1Irish Rover CoBA14-7 Irish Rover CoB
2.3.254Rocky's BalboasMcLoughlin's Darty BoysA14-7 Rocky's Balboas
2.3.254Sissy's 1Sissy's 2A
2.3.254Wolfhound BoozehoundsDaly's Bulls HittersB12-9 Daly's Bulls Hitters
2.3.254Sissy's Down and DartyIrish Rover GabagoolsB12-9 Irish Rover Gabagools
2.3.254Blackbird's 1Rivercrest RoyalsB17-4 Rivercrest Royals
2.3.254Sissy's RingersSissy's RoostersB18-3 Sissy's Ringers
2.3.254Tavern DartthrobsWolfhound Chucky'sB12-9 Wolfhound Chucky's
2.3.254Shillelagh'sAstoria Tavern Game of ThrowsB216-5 Shillelagh's
2.3.254Sissy's Dart VadersCronin & Phelan LuckyB211-10 Cronin & Phelan Lucky
2.3.254Local What's the PointMurphy's DawgsB216-5 Murphy's Dawgs
2.3.254Rivercrest RespectabullsRocky's OGB2Rocky's OG via forfeit
2.3.254Mad Donkey Tungsten TicklersWolfhound Darts of HazardB214-7 Mad DOnkey Tungsten Ticklers
2.3.254Veronica's Starving DartistsBlackbird's MISSfitsC11-10 Blackbird's MISSfits
2.3.254Shannonigan's Shit ShowDoyle's Nobody's UpsetC16-5 Doyle's Nobody's Upset
2.3.254Rover 2C RoversLa Tiendita BULLiesC13-8 Rover C2 Rovers
2.3.254Wolfhound DartaholicsMurphy's Handsome SeasonC21-0 Murphy's Handsome Season
2.3.254Cronin's PeacocksSissy's Darty DancingC14-7 Cronin's Peacocks
2.3.254Doyle's Dart DivasSunswick Talk to the BoardC11-10 Doyle's Dart Divas
2.10.255Sissy's 1Irish Rover 1A11-10 Irish Rover 1
2.10.255Despicable Sissy'sMcLoughlin's Darty BoysA12-9 Despicable Sissy's
2.10.255Irish Rover CoBRocky's BalboasA11-10 Irish Rover CoB
2.10.255Local ThreesomesSissy's 2A13-8 Local Threesomes
2.10.255Daly's Bulls HittersBlackbird's 1B17-4 Daly's Bulls Hitters
2.10.255Wolfhound Chucky'sRivercrest RoyalsB13-8 Wolfhound Chucky's
2.10.255Sissy's Down and DartySissy's RingersB15-6 Sissy's Ringers
2.10.255Irish Rover GabagoolsSissy's RoostersB13-8 Irish Rover Gabagools
2.10.255Tavern DartthrobsWolfhound BoozehoundsB15-6 Wolfhound Boozehounds
2.10.255Wolfhound Darts of HazardAstoria Tavern Game of ThrowsB211-10 Astoria Tavern Game of Throws
2.10.255Rivercrest RespectabullsCronin & Phelan LuckyB2Cronin & Phelan Lucky via forfeit
2.10.255Rocky's OGLocal What's the PointB214-7 Rocky's OG
2.10.255Sissy's Dart VadersMad Donkey Tungsten TicklersB214-7 Mad Donkey
2.10.255Murphy's DawgsShillelagh'sB215-6 Shills
2.10.255Murphy's Handsome SeasonDoyle's Dart DivasC11-10 Murphy's Handsome Season
2.10.255Cronin's PeacocksRover 2C RoversC11-10 Cronin's Peacocks
2.10.255La Tiendita BULLiesShannonigan's Shit ShowC11-10 Shannonigans Shit Show
2.10.255Blackbird's MISSfitsSissy's Darty DancingC17-4 Sissy's Darty Dancing
2.10.255Doyle's Nobody's UpsetVeronica's Starving DartistsC13-8 Doyle's Nobody's Upset
2.10.255Sunswick Talk to the BoardWolfhound DartaholicsC12-9 Sunswick
2.17.256Sissy's 2Despicable Sissy'sA12-9 Despicable Sissy's
2.17.256Sissy's 1Irish Rover CoBA15-6 Irish Rover CoB
2.17.256Rocky's BalboasLocal ThreesomesA12-9 Rocky's Balboas
2.17.256Irish Rover 1McLoughlin's Darty BoysA12-9 Irish Rover 1
2.17.256Irish Rover GabagoolsRivercrest RoyalsB13-8 Rivercrest Royals
2.17.256Wolfhound BoozehoundsSissy's Down and DartyB12-9 Wolfhound Boozehounds
2.17.256Daly's Bulls HittersSissy's RingersB15-6 Daly's Bulls Hitters
2.17.256Blackbird's 1Tavern DartthrobsB14-7 Blackbird's 1
2.17.256Sissy's RoostersWolfhound Chucky'sB14-7 Wolfhound Chucky's
2.17.256Mad Donkey Tungsten TicklersCronin & Phelan LuckyB215-6 Mad Donkey Tungsten Ticklers
2.17.256Astoria Tavern Game of ThrowsMurphy's DawgsB2
2.17.256Shillelagh'sRocky's OGB211-10 Rocky's OG
2.17.256Local What's the PointSissy's Dart VadersB213-8 Sissy's Dart Vaders
2.17.256Rivercrest RespectabullsWolfhound Darts of HazardB2Wolfhound Darts of Hazard via forfeit
2.17.256Wolfhound DartaholicsBlackbird's MISSfitsC11-10 Blackbird's MISSfits
2.17.256Cronin's PeacocksDoyle's Nobody's UpsetC11-10 Doyle's Nobody's Upset
2.17.256Murphy's Handsome SeasonLa Tiendita BULLiesC15-6 La Tiendita BULLies
2.17.256Doyle's Dart DivasRover 2C RoversC20-1 Rover 2C Rovers
2.17.256Sissy's Darty DancingShannonigan's Shit ShowC17-4 Sissy's Darty Dancing
2.17.256Veronica's Starving DartistsSunswick Talk to the BoardC16-5 Sunswick
2.24.257McLoughlin's Darty BoysIrish Rover CoBA13-8 McLoughlin's Darty Boys
2.24.257Sissy's 1Local ThreesomesA11-10 Local Threesomes
2.24.257Despicable Sissy'sRocky's BalboasA12-9 Despicable Sissy's
2.24.257Irish Rover 1Sissy's 2A12-9 Sissy's 2
2.24.257Wolfhound BoozehoundsIrish Rover GabagoolsB13-8 Wolfhound Boozehounds
2.24.257Sissy's Down and DartySissy's RingersB13-8 Sissy's Ringers
2.24.257Daly's Bulls HittersSissy's RoostersB
2.24.257Rivercrest RoyalsTavern DartthrobsB11-10 Rivercrest Royals
2.24.257Blackbird's 1Wolfhound Chucky'sB15-6 Blackbird's 1
2.24.257Astoria Tavern Game of ThrowsCronin & Phelan LuckyB214-7 Astoria Tavern Game of Throws
2.24.257Murphy's DawgsRivercrest RespectabullsB2Murphy's Dawgs via forfeit
2.24.257Local What's the PointShillelagh'sB215-6 Shillelagh Tavern
2.24.257Mad Donkey Tungsten TicklersSissy's Dart VadersB221-0 Mad Donkey Tungsten Ticklers
2.24.257Rocky's OGWolfhound Darts of HazardB211-10 Wolfhound Darts of Hazard
2.24.257Rover 2C RoversBlackbird's MISSfitsC14-7 Rover C2 Rovers
2.24.257Sissy's Darty DancingDoyle's Dart DivasC16-5 Sissy's Darty Dancing
2.24.257Doyle's Nobody's UpsetLa Tiendita BULLiesC19-2 La Tiendita BULLies
2.24.257Shannonigan's Shit ShowMurphy's Handsome SeasonC12-9 Shannonigans Shit Show
2.24.257Cronin's PeacocksSunswick Talk to the BoardC12-9 Sunswick Talk to the Hand
2.24.257Wolfhound DartaholicsVeronica's Starving DartistsC16-5 Veronicas Starving Dartists
3.3.258Irish Rover CoBDespicable Sissy'sA13-8 Despicable Sissy's
3.3.258Rocky's BalboasIrish Rover 1A12-9 Rocky Balboas
3.3.258Local ThreesomesMcLoughlin's Darty BoysA14-7 Local Threesomes
3.3.258Sissy's 2Sissy's 1A14-7 Sissy's 1
3.3.258Wolfhound BoozehoundsBlackbird's 1B16-5 Wolfhound Boozehounds
3.3.258Irish Rover GabagoolsDaly's Bulls HittersB12-9 Daly's Bulls Hitters
3.3.258Sissy's RoostersRivercrest RoyalsB15-6 Rivercrest Royals
3.3.258Tavern DartthrobsSissy's Down and DartyB14-7 Tavern Dartthrobes
3.3.258Sissy's RingersWolfhound Chucky'sB11-10 Wolfhound Chucky's
3.3.258Rivercrest RespectabullsAstoria Tavern Game of ThrowsB2Astoria Tavern GOT via forfeit
3.3.258Wolfhound Darts of HazardLocal What's the PointB212-9 Local What The :Point
3.3.258Murphy's DawgsMad Donkey Tungsten TicklersB217-4 Murphy's Dawgs
3.3.258Cronin & Phelan LuckyRocky's OGB212-9 Rocky's OG
3.3.258Shillelagh'sSissy's Dart VadersB214-7 Shill's Tavern
3.3.258Murphy's Handsome SeasonCronin's PeacocksC12-9 Cronin's Peacocks
3.3.258Blackbird's MISSfitsDoyle's Nobody's UpsetC14-7 Doyle's Nobody's Upset
3.3.258Sissy's Darty DancingRover 2C RoversC14-7 Rover 2C Rovers
3.3.258Sunswick Talk to the BoardShannonigan's Shit ShowC11-10 Sunswick Talk to the Board
3.3.258Doyle's Dart DivasVeronica's Starving DartistsC13-8 Veronica's Starving Dartists
3.3.258La Tiendita BULLiesWolfhound DartaholicsC21-0 La Tiendita BULLies
3.10.259McLoughlin's Darty BoysDespicable Sissy'sA
3.10.259Sissy's 2Local ThreesomesA
3.10.259Irish Rover CoBRocky's BalboasA
3.10.259Irish Rover 1Sissy's 1A
3.10.259Rivercrest RoyalsDaly's Bulls HittersB
3.10.259Wolfhound Chucky'sIrish Rover GabagoolsB
3.10.259Blackbird's 1Sissy's Down and DartyB
3.10.259Sissy's RingersTavern DartthrobsB
3.10.259Sissy's RoostersWolfhound BoozehoundsB
3.10.259Rocky's OGMad Donkey Tungsten TicklersB2
3.10.259Sissy's Dart VadersMurphy's DawgsB2
3.10.259Local What's the PointRivercrest RespectabullsB2
3.10.259Astoria Tavern Game of ThrowsShillelagh'sB2
3.10.259Cronin & Phelan LuckyWolfhound Darts of HazardB2
3.10.259Shannonigan's Shit ShowBlackbird's MISSfitsC
3.10.259Wolfhound DartaholicsCronin's PeacocksC
3.10.259Doyle's Nobody's UpsetDoyle's Dart DivasC
3.10.259Sunswick Talk to the BoardLa Tiendita BULLiesC
3.10.259Murphy's Handsome SeasonRover 2C RoversC
3.10.259Veronica's Starving DartistsSissy's Darty DancingC
3.24.2510Irish Rover CoBIrish Rover 1A
3.24.2510Rocky's BalboasLocal ThreesomesA
3.24.2510Despicable Sissy'sSissy's 1A
3.24.2510McLoughlin's Darty BoysSissy's 2A
3.24.2510Wolfhound Chucky'sBlackbird's 1B
3.24.2510Sissy's Down and DartyDaly's Bulls HittersB
3.24.2510Rivercrest RoyalsIrish Rover GabagoolsB
3.24.2510Tavern DartthrobsSissy's RoostersB
3.24.2510Sissy's RingersWolfhound BoozehoundsB
3.24.2510Sissy's Dart VadersAstoria Tavern Game of ThrowsB2
3.24.2510Wolfhound Darts of HazardLocal What's the PointB2
3.24.2510Shillelagh'sMad Donkey Tungsten TicklersB2
3.24.2510Cronin & Phelan LuckyRivercrest RespectabullsB2
3.24.2510Murphy's DawgsRocky's OGB2
3.24.2510Doyle's Dart DivasCronin's PeacocksC
3.24.2510Shannonigan's Shit ShowDoyle's Nobody's UpsetC
3.24.2510Veronica's Starving DartistsMurphy's Handsome SeasonC
3.24.2510La Tiendita BULLiesSissy's Darty DancingC
3.24.2510Blackbird's MISSfitsSunswick Talk to the BoardC
3.24.2510Rover 2C RoversWolfhound DartaholicsC